All leaders, including Trustees and local Governors, understand their responsibility of keeping children and staff safe in schools
Safety Compliance
All TPA schools are graded as effective in all aspects of safeguarding – meeting all requirements of KCSIE
Health and Safety is compliant and meets all required regulations
Risk management is effective and meets all requirements of the Academy Trust Handbook
GDPR is compliant and meets all required regulations
Financial Security
All TPA schools strategically plan to be financially stable
Academy reserves are in line with TPA reserves policy
Academy growth is in line with the Business Plan
All schools create a positive environment where all pupils succeed
All leaders to further enhance active wellbeing initiatives
High quality Continual Professional Development (CPD), including networking opportunities, underpins the ongoing development of all staff
Human Resources
To reduce teacher, and all staff, turnover over a three-year period to ensure consistency of teaching and learning across all schools
All staff achieve the highest level of attendance and professionalism
Pioneering Projects
All schools provide a safe, stimulating learning environment, both indoors and outdoors
All children access all aspects of the Pioneer Passport
All TPA schools are focussing upon sustainability and are moving towards reducing their carbon footprint
Governance is effective at all levels
Continual development for all staff to improve outcomes for all children
SEND units to be developed in each region
Outstanding Education
All TPA schools (3 years +) are graded at least ‘Good’ by Ofsted and TPA internal inspections
All TPA schools (3 years +) are at National or above for Key Stage 2 (KS2) outcomes, with at least in line progress indicators. All Key Stage 1 (KS1) outcomes and phonics scores match internal targets
Teaching and Learning (T&L) Inspections evidence that all teaching is at least Good by the effective use of the TPA teaching model in all schools (3 years +)
All TPA schools (3 years +) teach an inspiring and relevant curriculum
Behaviour and Attitudes
All pupils are engaged, resilient and enthusiastic
All TPA schools actively endeavour to stabilise pupil numbers